I was nervous about going. I don't really keep in touch with anyone from high school anymore. My good friends from high school were not going, so I was afraid I would not connect with anyone at the reunion. If I were married or had a girfriend with me, it would have been a good buffer in case I had a bad time.
I did not go to my senior prom and I always regret it. I think it was because of this regret, that I went to my 20 year reunion. I did not want to regret not going. So, even though I was 20 years older and about 50 pounds heavier (and my hair was 80 percent grayer), I went to my reunion.
When I got there, I saw there was a line waiting to get in. Actually, it was a line of people waiting to get their name tags and sign in. I looked at the people in front of me, I did not recognize anyone. Then people started coming behind me, and I did not recognize them either. For a moment, I was worried that perhaps I was at the wrong place.
Then I heard a voice behind me ask, "Do you recognize anyone here?...How about this guy in front of us?" I turned around and looked at the guy behind me. It was his wife who was asking him if he knew anyone there. I looked at him again....and suddenly I recognized him. It was Jimmy Winand. Wow, had he changed!
In high school, he was rather skinny and had great winged back, feathered hair. The guy behind me was taller, buffer, and had no hair (shaved), but it was still Jimmy's smile. He introduced me to his wife and told me that they lived in Hawaii.
I was really impressed that they had come all of the way from Hawaii to be at the reunion. It was great hearing about his life and how he met his wife. They were really nice to me, and I think they even bought me a beer when we finally got inside.
It really was one of the highlights of my reunion. Here was a guy who was in many of my classes and it was great to see him and to hear about his life. He and his wife being so nice to me at the start of things helped me to relax and enjoy myself for the rest of the reunion.
Last week, I got an e-mail from the reunion committee that Jimmy had passed away. I could not believe it. How could this be? They had a link to a blog that explained everything. Jimmy had died of colorectal cancer.
Even writing this, I still can't believe it. It was the first time in my life that I had known someone well who was not a family member who had died. He seemed to have this great life and great wife....and suddenly it was gone.
I am so glad that I got up the courage to go to my reunion last year. I am so glad too that I got to see Jimmy again and to meet his wife.
After reading the blog that his wife wrote, I realized even more of the great man he had become and what a faithful wife he had. I regretted not knowing the man he had become, but was glad to learn that he lived a good life and had many people who loved him.
As I write this, people are gathering in Hawaii to celebrate the life of Jimmy Winand. Please take a moment to read through the blog that was started for him and learn about the journey of faith that he and his wife went through. Warning: It is a tear jerker.
When you are done, perhaps you can take a moment to pray for his family and to thank God for the many blessing in your own life.
I know I thank God for allowing me the opportunity to have known Jimmy and to see him one last time. Rest in God's peace Jimmy.