I thought it would be fun to watch the game at a bar instead of on cable at the hotel room. American football is shown here in the Philippines on cable on ESPN and Star Sports. I had seen a few games during my visit here. Sunday Night Football on NBC and Monday Night Football on ESPN are shown here live (of course on Monday and Tuesday mornings respectively). However, American football is not really popular here. The American sports that are most popular here are NBA basketball and boxing. Therefore, I knew that finding a place would be a little more difficult than finding a place showing a Manny Pacquiao fight.
After inquiring of where the game might be shown, I found a place called Badger's Sports Bar and Pub. It is not atypical of sports bars that you would find in the United States. They have a large screen TV as well as several other TVs throughout the bar. Learning my lesson from going to the Manny Pacquiao fight in November, I made a reservation for a table near the screen. (For the Manny Pacquiao fight at the Wineshop, we sat at the bar even though we got there early.)
I made a reservation for three. Glyn graciously decided to go. Her brother Ayan, who is a big sports fan knew all about the Super Bowl and who was playing. He talked about how it is the biggest sporting event in the United States. Unfortunately, Ayan had mid-terms to take that morning, so he couldn't go. However, Glyn's brother Coning, hearing what a big event it is in the United States, decided he wanted to come along with us.
It was really strange watching the game. First of all, it was early in the morning. I am used to the Super Bowl being the climax of the day of pre-game festivities, instead of being the first thing of the day. Also, including Glyn and Coning, there were very few Filipinos in the place. I almost forgot for a second I was in the Philippines. I could have easily been in any United States city. Then, there was the commercials, or the lack of commercials. Half of the fun during the big game is watching the various mutli-million dollar commercials that air during the game. In the Philippines, we saw none of them. Oh, we did see commercials, but they were for local programming and products. Nothing too special. (I did later see the commercials on the Internet though iFilm.com. Thank God for the Internet.)
There were many more Bears fans, as was evident from the touchdown on the opening kickoff. However, as the game went on, the Colts fans got more vocal. I was rooting for the Colts. It is hard not rooting for them, even though they are not in Baltimore anymore. (I wore my Memorial Stadium T-shirt—it is dyed from the grass and dirt—as an homage to the old Colts.) Plus, Payton Manning seems like a pretty good guy and needed to get this monkey off his back.
The highlight of the game for me was seeing Prince perform at halftime. To some people, Princeis a has-been and washed up. However, despite the rain, Prince shined at halftime. I know I am a little biased, but it was probably the best halftime show ever for the Super Bowl. Even the rain falling during Purple Rain seemed to be a little too perfect. Maybe Prince has connections from above.
Although, this wasn't a uniquely Filipino experience, watching the Super Bowl in the Philippines was very unique to me.
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